There are only 2 acceptable responses to the question, “why haven’t you tried The West Winds The Cutlass Gin?” Those responses are; “Because I am underage,” or “because I am pregnant,” If your answer lies outside of one of those two, your argument is invalid. Stop what you are doing, find a bar that has this gin and experience the next level.
I love the name of this distillery, ‘The West Winds’. Their website tells us its “a tribute to the ocean breezes used for centuries by sailors to cross the Indian Ocean from South Africa to the west coast of Australia and beyond in a search for the riches of the new world.” But the tribute goes far beyond just the sign on the front door. At 50% ABV, this gin is really pushing the old world boundaries, where gin is typically between 37.5-42%. I like how West Winds are pushing up the ABV to see the impact it has on flavour and experience.
I can tell you that the riches of the new world can be found in the exotic and tantalising flavours contained in this bottle.
I had my first sample in a 1:1 G&T mixed with Fever Tree Tonic and garnished with a sliver of green capsicum, as the website advises. The higher ABV certainly brings out a very spicy nature. First hit on the tongue is that of some seeded spice, a heavy coriander and the real POW you get from raw capsicum. Where I described The Sabre as creamy, this gin is smooth. Not as mouth coating in feel, but it lovingly and gently packs a punch with its flavour, almost as if Danny Green has landed one on your jaw with one hand but held a pillow behind you with the other. After drinking I found out there is some Aussie bush tomato used as an ingredient, and this certainly evens out the spice and gives a smooth rich finish. Do you think its weird to have capsicum in a drink? I did. Until I tasted it. Pure gin-ius. It adds a certain dry aspect that I think enhances those spicy notes.
Of course you can’t just make a judgement on one type of drink, so my second course was the classic martini. I like my martinis slightly on the wetter side of dry. I made it with 75mL of The Cutlass, 20mL of Noilly Pratt Vermouth, stirred with ice and a capsicum sliver for a minute then poured into a martini glass and garnished with said sliver.
Now, if you choose to embark on this adventure, I must warn you, you better be sitting down when you first try a Cutlass Martini. The flavours in this drink are insane. Full on spice that will dance on your tongue for a good minute after downing a sip, combined with a rich, uh, something…zingy-zangy-ness? It’s almost as if someone has set off a firework across my palate. That is honestly the best way I can put it.
There is really only one word I can use to describe the overall experience of this gin, and that is ‘exceptional’. It definitely stands heads and shoulders above every other gin on the market, and I will confidently say this is the best gin I have tried to date. Thank you West Winds.
I think this gin would pair nicely with a dark sweet cigar, with a strong molasses type flavour, like a My Father Le Bijou 1922 Gran Robusto.
To sum up
Nose: this one is honestly like sticking your nose in Nanna’s spice cupboard, I can’t pin point one particular spice or herb, but there is a definite seeded spice aroma that tickles the nose hairs
Mouth-feel: swirling this one around feels like you are drinking pure air. There is no burn or thickness, just liquid silver that seems to float and dance around
Taste: a very coriander heavy gin, with a real capsicum-skin kick after holding it for a while. As you might have guessed, the spice is addictive and keeps you coming back for more
Finish: a long spice finish balanced by rich tomato acidity
Accompanying Tracks: I chose to pair this gin with the smooth spiciness of Chet Faker
Written By Lex Getley
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