When Was The Last Time You Invested In Friendship?

In these modern times, social interactions are often facilitated by technology. We now have more mediums than ever before in human history to connect with one another. Tweeting, Texting, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat; the list of innovations and inventions aimed at improving our connections with one another is endless and constantly evolving.

The irony is, although these advancements aim to reconnect us and re-engage us with others, they are often the biggest distraction for us from having genuine interactions with others.

The pursuit of the latest technology and a desire to connect instantly has resulted in many of us living out our social lives behind a screen. Face to face interactions are commonly nothing more than token gestures and polite questions. We ask “how are you?”, “how’s work?”, “how’s the family?” but don’t expect sincere answers or have time for them. We make a fleeting proposal to catch up soon but don’t commit and if we do, it is often nothing more than a 15 minute coffee break before we rush back to our busy lives.

When we look up from our screens and bump into a friend, we don’t relish the moment and make time for them or make a genuine commitment to catch up.

Why do we not make spending time with one another face-to-face a priority in our livesanymore, and what impact does this have on our mental health and the future of society?

Living behind a screen, we are losing out on the joy of the shared experience. We are creating fewer memories and feeling less connected and fulfilled. So what can we do to encourage us to put down the screens, look up and interact with those around us?

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
– Albert Einstein

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that my change of thinking has been brought about by the satisfaction found in the shared experience around whisky and cigars.

The first cigar I smoked with a whisky was to celebrate my first position within the alcohol industry. My brother and I saw it as a nice way to mark the occasion and stop and reflect on the achievement. As the cigars began to smoulder through and the whisky began to evaporate from my glass (whisky tends to do that rather quickly when it’s my glass) I came to the realisation that this activity was not about the vices at all. Instead it dawned on me, that they were a gateway to deep and meaningful conversation, a way of demonstrating to a person that you value their company whilst committing to an hour or more of distraction free, quality time.

Since that fateful moment, I have valued whisky and cigars as a communication tool, a way of demonstrating to your company that you respect them and their time and want to fully commit to a brief interval from the world’s distractions.

I believe that as humans, we owe it to ourselves to engage with the people who matter to us, and show them how important they are to us. For me, a gift of a cigar, a dram of whisky and an hour or two of sincere communication is how I show my respect and appreciation for others. I see these actions as an investment in friendship, a gesture to show I value their company.

It might not be for everyone, but if you think that it’s time you got out from behind your screen and engaged with the world again, may I suggest you give it a try.

What do you think? Please leave your comment below and if you have any questions relating to whisky and cigars, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

As always, I appreciate your time and encourage you to savour the moment.

– Peter Stevens



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